Monday, February 13, 2012

Mondays in Love: A Beautiful Weekend

Let's just call last week a cut-back week, shall we? Like happens during marathon training, I found myself exhausted and opting for naps/sleeping in rather than running. And where normally I would harbor some amount of guilt about this, I am A-OK with it. At long last, I am at peace with being slow and cutting back if I need to rest. And it's an easy pill to swallow when you had as beautiful a weekend as I've had.

Saturday: I'm loving snow angels from a little boy who couldn't possibly have been happier about a half inch of snow (if that). This warranted snow pants, snow boots, a hat, gloves, and even sunglasses. 

Saturday night Mr. Joanna wanted to go out, so he looked online and found a local Mexican place we'd never been to. Huge success! This burrito was gigantic (obviously) and ridiculously delicious. This is about as far as I got into it. Hooray for finding good places to eat. 

Sunday: I'm continually thankful for sunshine, reasonable temps, and sidewalks/paths clear of ice and snow so I can run/walk. I know I just posted a belly picture last week, but when I put on my running top yesterday I was surprised by how much bigger I look in spandex than in everyday clothes. This is what I look like coming down the trail in the park! I don't get a lot of horrified looks, but I do get a lot of "Huh, really??" kind of looks.

After my run my little boy and I made Valentine's Day cards, and it was totally worth turning my dining room table into a small circus. It was great. We made cards for Daddy (Mr. Joanna) and The Princess of Detroit (little boy's cousin). The card he made for his Daddy is pretty much the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Then Mr. Joanna joined us and we made cards for the grandparents. 

Thank you guys so much for all your kind words and encouragement on last Monday's post. It means so much to me! In a time when running is a little sparse, it's great to know that you guys are still cheering me on. Here's to another week!


Marlene said...

Definitely looks like a great weekend to me!

Sarah the Savage said...

You look adorable in your running gear, Joanna! Have a great week.

Raquelita said...

That is a lot of burrito!

Damaris said...

that burrito looks amazing! yum. and you still look gorgeous. seriously. <3

Jessie said...

Are you training for a marathon while pregnant? I only ask because I have been a bad blogger..... AND if so I think that is so AWESOME! I didnt do anything beside eat ice cream when I was pregnant~

Run Jess Run said...

You look amazing!

(and that burrito looks like it's as long as your arm!)

Black Knight said...

You look great in your running gear. You are a myth I have never seen a running pregnant woman. Cannot wait to see the future little runner.
That burrito looks delicious and ..... big!!!!!